Thursday, February 7, 2013

2/7/13 More Thursday Greetings

Dear family and friends,

Gabrielle here.  I thought I would fill in a little detail to Steve's morning post below.  Yesterday was a grand adventure as Daniel and I braved N-gate mall.  First we went to a little shop adjacent to the mall that specializes in things female cancer patients hats and scarves and prosthetic swimsuits for mastectomies.  We had fun having me try on different hats and I bought three of them, along with two little light cotton caps you can sleep in if your head is cold.  Every morning when I wake up I check my pillow.  No hair gone yet!  I'm glad my hair is stubborn!   :-)

But back to the mall.  We bought four new pairs of sweatpants to hang about in that feel good on my incision.  In size medium.  Crazy.  I have been a large since about 4th grade and now I'm a medium.  Not recommending the cancer diet, however.  Anyone wanting to lose a pound or two, just stick with exercise and eating healthy!  Then we went to the Hallmark shop so I could buy some Valentines for my family, grabbed a few See's chocolates for later, and topped it all off with lunch at Red Robin.  I got a free chicken avacado burger and fries since it's my birthday lunch.  I ate half and Daniel ate the rest, and we split some salad too.  That was more than I've eaten in I don't know how long and was a lot of fun.  Don't you love those Red Robin fries, piping hot, sprinkled with their seasoning salt, and dipped in ranch?  Yummo!

In the evening yesterday we were blessed with two meals so we are eating the second tonight.  Renee and Karissa made us the fish dinner (my first fish in a month) and my friend Kristi brought us the most delicious looking chili and cornbread which we are having tonight!  Can't wait!

I slept well last night and woke up refreshed.  I ate a smoothie with fruit and yogurt and spinach (friend Janet inspired me) and some toast topped with tomato and melted cheddar which is something my Grandma used to make for me and I find comforting.  Then stuffed, Daniel and I went on our morning walk--our longest yet!  I think we went 17 blocks!  And the sun was  peeking through clouds and warming our faces for part of the walk.  Glorious!

Thanks to each of you who bring us food, send us cards (so many this week--you know who you are--thank you SO much), email us Scriptures, and pray faithfully for healing.  God has provided all we need as we walk this road and you are all part of His provision for us.  Thanks for coming alongside us with your love, support, and encouragement.  We are truly blessed.



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